
Training Series



Purpose of Committees

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Video #3 examines the purpose of various committees of the governing body. Because governing bodies have many responsibilities, committees are created to focus on special issues, activities or programs. Committees have agendas and rules, work on assigned tasks, and make recommendations to the board. A board of directors usually has three kinds of committees: Standing, Ad hoc, and Advisory. Each one reports on its progress, while the full governing body makes decisions on committee recommendations.


At the end of this video, you will automatically be returned to the main screen. Look for Worksheet #3 “Purpose of Committees.” Click on the icon. A PDF document will open, please complete the questions. When finished, save to your computer and/or print a copy.


Worksheet #3 Purpose of Committees





To view the previous video,
“Role of Board Members,”
click Video #2.

To view the next video,
“Board Development,”
click Video #4