Customized Materials and Media
BRC specializes in the creation of client-customized informational media and curricula using plain language, cognitive sequencing, systematic instruction, graphic design, color and digital media. Our emphasis is on universal access and design for clients and their intended audiences or users. BRC’s team collaborates with clients to develop their own informational design elements and brand to meet unique needs.
- Adapted and customized sequenced training processes and highly graphic materials.
- Client centered templates for future use.
- Modified written communication using “plain language” that addresses the interest and need of the end user.
- Person-friendly books, information guides and tools that can be accessed in a digital format.
- Client specific training guides that focus on agency mission and assignment.
- Easy-to-use nonprofit governance and policy-making materials in alternate formats.
- Booklets and guides utilize plain language and pictorial representation.
- Innovative digital media with emphasis on learning.
- Focused, researched and field-tested to ensure understanding and application.
- Accessible with captions, audio text and sign language.