Transformation story #1 — Transformation story #2
California Senate Bill 1270
State Council on Developmental Disabilities
Charged by the California Legislature in Senate Bill 1270, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) convened a series of statewide stakeholder work groups in 2007 to produce meaningful recommendations regarding future services and supports for Californians with developmental disabilities. Central to bringing consequential proposals forward that reflected noteworthy input from persons using the developmental service system, was the utilization of inclusive discussion practices and accommodations that vaulted “consumer” voices to the forefront.
The Path
SCDD provided preparation sessions for stakeholders who wanted the support prior to each daylong SB1270 meeting to review content, identify personal perspectives and prepare for their participation the following day. They were provided adapted informational media that they helped revise throughout the series of workgroup meetings so SB1270 summary products could be disseminated in accessible formats across the state and posted online. Stakeholders also had opportunities to assess personal support needs and guide training facilitators of the large 100+ workgroup meetings to better assure they were included throughout discussions.
Discoveries and Outcomes
These new approaches supported stakeholders to not only participate in significant policy considerations but, take the “driver’s seat” and transform deliberations. These connections steered consequential policy-making and led to more expansive use of adapted materials and inclusive practices by stakeholder work groups, SCDD and participating agencies across the state. The final SB 1270 report to the legislature contained a graphic and plain language version of the ten recommendations along with a DVD describing how the recommendations impact the lives of people with developmental disabilities in California.
What We Did
BRC assisted SCDD in SB1270 workgroup design, meeting facilitation, development of accessible multi-media materials and conducted preparation sessions with stakeholders who used developmental services. BRC supplied a bridge for those whose participation was critical to successful SB1270 outcomes. The adapted recommendations and “Building a Bridge” DVD is available for viewing in the Library.